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Education is of primary concern to the Imperialist Party U.S.A., nothing else in fact, can be said to have a greater importance within our modern world. That is why we shall dedicate ourselves to forward moving technology based studies. It is time now to move toward a more tolerant world, a world in which modernization and mechanization combined with humanity as a whole, meld together to form a new cohesion and balance, alleviating labor burdens, making our lives easier, more fruitful, and granting our people more freedom. There is no time like the present to begin building a better future, a future our children can be proud of, one that they help to create, not through hard labor, but through persistence of mind, diligence, and acuity.


Let us stand together, united in this goal. We can not afford to forget the importance of our children. Fight with us for a better educational system that allows the people to decide the curriculum, and the direction of our nation. Far too long have our children suffered with the compulsory schooling technique, a forced educational system that readies them for nothing more than slavery.


Lack of proper curriculum might lead to devastating effects within any and all economy. The current public schooling stratagem creates an economic short term gain strategy, and is helping to tear the fabric of our once great nation into a tattered ruins of what used to be. Our children deserve better. We deserve better as a people.


Education should not be a prison system of concentration camps with a despicable agenda and focus on mental exhaustion that provides no hope of a decent future. It should be an institution of trust and accomplishment. A safe place for our children to discover, willingly, the possibilities they themselves define the limits of. 


  Thank you for your support in this matter,
      Frederick Joseph Lombardi


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