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​"Brainwashing; the story of men who defied it" by Edward Hunter

Proof of soviet human testing.


"What we saw didn't nearly match Frank's description. His description was much more incriminating. He recognized it as the same film, but said there had been more to it. This aroused my suspicion that there had been cuts made.


There must have been more to it, and I made a persistent effort to trace the complete film. Months later, I succeeded. The crucial, telltale part was in it! As soon as it came on, I experienced a twinge of horror. The twinge was involuntary, what Pavlov would have called an unconditioned reflex.  I arranged to see the completed film myself. What we had seen before, everyone has seen in real life or circuses throughout the world — but not the telltale scene. When this was included in its original context, all the previous scenes then began to uncover, startlingly enough, the message that the communists wished to convey to their hospital interns and to their police practitioners, particularly in the MVD training schools.


The incriminating scene began with a young man sitting in a chair, attached to it like the dog in a harness. The switches and push buttons were to operate a combination of gadgets identical to those used for the dog. A rubber suction tube was stuck into the boy's mouth to measure his saliva. Pills were given him to chew to induce its flow into a glass receptacle. A small cake was waved in front of his eyes, stuck under his nose, and thrust into his mouth. All this was done with grim seriousness. At the same time the light flashed on and off as it had with the animal. The next scene showed the lad stretched out on a hospital cot like a patient awaiting an appendectomy, except that he was fully dressed. The rubber tube was still inserted into his mouth, its other end projecting into the thin glass receptacle. A fat cone, with its narrow end open and pointing downwards, was attached to a hinged arm above his head. It was swung over until it hung directly over the boy's face. A push button was pressed by one of the doctors and a few small biscuits were released from the cone into the young man's open mouth. Some of these he caught and chewed, others fell down the side of his face. The light flashed each time the biscuits were dropped. The scene shifted again, and the light flashed without any biscuits falling from the cone. The boy's saliva flowed just the same. He was reacting exactly as the dog."


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